Well, it has been quite some time since I've posted on this blog. I guess I just kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting for one thing and then another.
I kept waiting to be able to sit up and focus, waiting for something creative to pop into my brain, waiting to just feel good for a day, waiting for time, you get the idea! Now... it is time!
On September 29th, I was on vacation with my family at Emerald Isle, NC. A place we've been going now for several years, probably 7 or 8 years by now. It was a Tuesday... Kaitlyn and I had been down on the beach with the other kids playing and hanging out. It was time for lunch, I think... so we came back to the house where the Grandmothers were all hanging out! They wanted to go out, but one little girl was still taking a nap on the couch; i assured them it would be no problem for them to leave, that I was planning on staying in the house for a while and I'd watch Sam and Kaitlyn.
It must have not even been 30 minutes after they left, that I was sitting in a chair and Kaitlyn had dropped something, so I bent over to pick it up, and as I sat back up this overwhelming feeling of nausea, dizziness, and pure wretchedness came over me! My bedroom was 3 flights of stairs up... how was I going to manage this... alone? I'm not sure how, other than through prayer, I made it up those flights of stairs- carrying Kaitlyn- to put her in her crib so she would be safe until someone got home. I laid down on my bed for a short time, but knew that Sam was still alone 3 flights down napping; what if she woke up and got scared because no one was there?! I had to get back downstairs for her and for my phone to call the Grandmothers!
I managed to make it downstairs, got a phone, and made it to the bathroom... ahhh that cold tile floor felt so good! My mom got home just as quickly as she could. I was unable to move from that spot for sometime, and then finally made it to the couch to rest somewhat more comfortably.
We all thought it would be over the next day, as this had happened to me about 10 years ago... unfortunately, it did not pass so quickly... the rest of vacation went by and we returned home on Sunday. On Monday, I had gotten progressively worse and finally decided to go to the ER. I was unable to eat or drink, and dehydrating was a concern. I was in the hospital from Monday until Thursday. All the while, family was pitching in to help take care of Katilyn and Matt- thank GOD for family! I could not have done it without them!
Anyways, today is day 50; and I have come through not being able to drive, not being able to care for my family or clean house or cook or shop- daily life chores, i've dealt with medical doctors and all the drugs they want to throw at a problem, an ENT consult, Physical Therapy, and rehab exercises. I am somewhere between 90 and 95% healed and keep believing that my Faithful Father will finish what He has started and bring me to a full 100% recovery from this Vertigo and Vestibular Neuritis!
There is sooo much more to this story, but I think this is plenty to remind me! :)
A friend of mine prayed that the Lord would show me a Spiritual Truth to all this, and I believe He still is revealing some eye-opening things to me...but one neat thing He gave me is this:
V ictory
E xpressed
R elentlessly
T hrough
I nfinte
G race
O verall
Thank GOD for His Grace and His Faithfulness and His Healing and so much more!