Spicy Chips
Dill Pickels
Ice Cream
Cream (lotion)
Cell Phones
Baby Dolls
Bo-Bo (her teddy blankie)
Somewhere, somehow, K has developed a liking for Martins BBQ "Spicy Chips" and Dill Pickels! And NO it is not because her mommy is pregnant! :) She discovered these on her own and on a whim! Things I was eating at one time or another and continually asked mommy for
'mow-or' (more)... so I let her try them, KNOWING that she would NOT like either one and then I stood by and just watched her gobble them up!
Two of her favorite treats are Yogos and Ice Cream! Loving ice cream in this house I believe is like a pre-req. Everytime her daddy or mommy has a bowl, she eats like half of it! And the Yogos, we have to ration around here! She would eat them all day long if she could! Thank goodness Sharp Shopper carries these pretty regularly! :)
Her Mimi (my mom) always has lotion in her purse and pulls it out enough times that K has become very interested in it! Everytime Mimi has her 'cream' she has to have some for her hands too! Mimi made sure to include 'cream' in Ks Valentine package- and YES she has been carrying it around in her very own zipper bag for the past 2 days now! (I probably have lotion all over this house now! But kids need to be kids, right?!)
K still has a major fasination with cell phones! She has an older one that use to charge and light up, but now it no longer does, so this one is not nearly as intriguing as daddy's flip phone or mommy's slide phone with all the lights we have and all! She will take a phone and place it to her ear, put her shoulder to her ear to help hold the phone there and just start having a conversation with someone! It is so cute to watch her imagination!
Baby dolls have been a great entertaining toy for K. She loves to carry them and 'rock' them- she even sings "Rock A Baby" (her own version of rock-a-bye baby) to her babies as she holds them and rocks them! She loves to put diapers on them. And she knows how many babies she is carrying (well if it is no more than 2 anyways!) She even sets them at her little table and feeds them sometimes.
A quick trip to the dollar store and 8 strands of plastic color beads for $1 have provided more happiness and FUN for K than the $20 toys she got at Christmas! Go figure- right?! That seems to be the way it usually is! She loves to wear them and they have also helped her learn colors like - red, blue, green, purple! She also likes to put the beads on daddy so he can wear them too!
K watches a little TV throughout the day - she generally gets bored with it before we would even turn it off- but what she really likes is all the singing and dancing and music that shows like Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Club House have- the "Hot Dog" song, is one of her favorties! Partially embarrassed to admit it, but she really likes the Gilmore Girls theme song... she can be playing in another room and if that comes on, she comes running to the TV to dance to it! (I wonder who watches that? hehehe)
Last, but defintely not least (probably most important to her) is her Bo Bo. This is a blankie with a teddy bear head on it that she sleeps with and wakes up with and plays with and MUST have when she is hurt or sad or crying or needy or happy or playing... you get the picture! A friend gave it to me at a shower and it has really become her security blanket I believe. It makes her so happy and makes her feel good!
Thanks for sharing some of K favorite things with us today! She is growing up so fast! 21 months already!!! She is so imaginative, intuitive, investigative, and so much more!!!