Ok, well here it goes... my first attempt at blogging... i thought i would try and get a little jump start on finding a way to communicate a bit with friends and family. find a way that people that really do care can jump on and off as they please and browse around and see what's happening with landis life...a place to mainly see pix of what's been going on with us and our travels and our soon to be expanded family.
don't expect too much however, i don't anticipate daily posts, rather monthly or seasonly posts would probably be more like it. i would however check back for updated links to photo albums and pix for the latest news of well... landis life.
currently, we are expecting our first little landis, we are 17 weeks pregnant and our due date is may 28th. we have great aspirations for ourselves - yeah now don't be thinking that we think we know it all or a
nything- all i'm saying for now is that we are NOT going to find out the sex of our baby! part of me really can't belive it... WHY? because i've always been such the planner, and though this is a bit stretching, i'm really quite excited because i simply LOVE SURPRISES! and plus i figure this will be even more inspiration to push when the time comes... right? well, right?
i will be working on this blog thingy over the holidays- which include CHRISTmas and New Years, in hopes of getting some pix and some words in such a manner that are at least somewhat appealing to look at and puruse. so check back or check in for the first time and sit a spell... (as my grandmother would say)
Yeah cheryl! I love your blog. I just started one too about a month ago. I really enjoy reading people's blogs so I am excited to see you have one. Your template is one of the ones I looked at for my blog...I love it! I will definitely be checking in on Landis Life! ;)
Cute blog!! :) I'll be checking in.
CCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYLLLLLLLLLL! AM I THE LAST TO KNOW??? Or did you tell me and I forgot? (another one of those things that happen to mom's -but we won't tell you the rest, because it's too late for you!) LOL! Congratulations! BTW I have had a blog for over 18 months, but didn't start posting much until this month when we got broadband. Don't sweat the infrequent posts. It is so much fun to find and catch up with people.
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