Monday, January 14, 2008

Rotten to Ripe

So, my homegroup has been doing a study called "Becoming a Contagious Christian". This past week focused on us telling our own story. Basically, you break your story into three sections and then put it all together. They were looking for your life before Christ, your life when you met Christ, and life After Christ.

One of the questions they asked of you was to come up with a theme for your testimony by reviewing what you had written for each of the three sections. So my theme is "From Rotten to Ripe".

Coming out of a place of rotteness, a place of poor decision making. And into a place of Life, Fullness, and bearing good (ripe) fruit.

Along with the materials for this study comes a DVD that shows skits to better explain their methods. So, we watched a short skit on two guys - one sharing his testimony with another... and I'm sure you've noticed that in the DVD things always go so smoothly, and the listener always asks the right questions to move your story into the next stage.... now, have you ever had that really happen in real life?

I tell you God, really does have a sense of humor sometimes. I was at a professional function this past Thursday night and had a conversation that went a little something like this:

"So where is Matt?"
"Oh, he had a class tonight?"
"Really, what kind of class is he taking?"
"He's taking a class at Evangel Theological Seminary, it's called 'School of Practial Ministry'. "
"So, i guess you are still attending the church where you got married?"
"Oh, Yes we are, and what about your family?"

and what do you think happened next? I mean what a great intro, right?! Looks like a great opportunity to just dive right into this new Three-Step plan i've JUST been taught by Bill Hybels, along with my fearless leader Beth Hardesty (who did a lovely job that evening) right?!

"oh, well - I see somebody i need to go talk with; good talking to you..."

and poof... the opportunity is G-O-N-E

not exactly like the video i had just seen, i mean what happened to the person asking me all the right questions? i really thought we were on a roll here... well... i can only pray that yet another seed was planted into their heart; and they will think about it come one Sunday morning...

And, knowing our God, i doubt that is my last opportunity to share with them...


Carl8ta said...

i love that "rotten to ripe" !!!

Christin said...

Yeah, I'm thinking you're right. :) God always seems to find a way to bring "lost opportunities" back around.

The study you're doing sounds intriguing!

pyrotechny said...

I don't think it was lost. I think you touched on a nerve. You cannot do anything about that. You said what you were supposed to.

Beth said...

You cracked me up! I saw the title of your blog and I busted. You really did it! You told me you would...and look at you!
True..true...the skits sure do make it look easy. If only life was scripted out so perfectly.
Good for you though! Nice lead in...nice questioning. Who is your leader again? Man, she has some skills! :)
Way to go Landis! I'm proud of you! :)

Kristy said...

Man, I know what you mean about everything going just smoothly in the "practice rounds." ;) Maybe this conversation with that person will be a foundation to build the next convo on. Good for you though recognizing an opportunity even though it didn't go the way you wanted.