The Best Compliment
So, i went to the doctor last week for a regular baby check up - and i received the nicest compliment. I was seeing Dr. Slusher and so she checked the heart beat and all and said, OK we'll see you in four weeks. I wanted to be clear about what i was told previously so i asked her, "that's for another ultrasound, right?" She was a bit confused as to why i was told i would be having a late ultrasound. So she sat and thought for a few moments, and finally she said "OH, i know, i can get you one based on your age, YOU JUST DON'T LOOK YOU AGE!" and of course i said "Well, Thank You! that's always nice to hear." So one advantage to being in the 'old' category when it comes to birthing years! And Praise the Lord, there is NO other reason to get an ultrasound! He is Faithful!Have a blessed day.
that is the BEST compliment - you just go girl, you young thing!
I have to agree with the doc. I've always thought that you looked younger than your age. You're one of those people that doesn't have to use makeup to have radiant skin.
Me too, me too! you ARE one hot looking mama, I must say. BUT how fun to be able to peek in on your little "guy" (haha) again! I love ultrasounds...more fun pics!
You're younger than I was when I had our son. I was 40, and the only time I had problems "chasing him around" was when he was two, and we had had a major snowstorm, with a crust of ice on top of the snow. He took off from the driveway through neighbor's yards and the ice supported him. It did not support me, and after two steps I gave up trying. After about ten minutes, he came back to our driveway, needing to tell me where he had been and what he had done!!
I also agree! You are one youthful lady. :0)
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