***MORE PIX ADDED TO PHOTO LINK TODAY 5.21.08*** (right side of page "Kaitlyn" under photo albums)
A quick update on Kaitlyn. I found out today that her bilirubin count was 17.7 yesterday (not the 17.5 i thought)... and today it has gone down, but only to 17.5... so we go back tomorrow for another blood test, but the dr. will call us with the results this time, instead of having to take her back into his office for the 3rd day in a row...
As you know it's been rainy and cloudy today, so she wasn't able to soak in much natural UV light... so we're praying the count will continue to go down tomorrow...
we are just at 'wait and see' at this point.
Also- a couple more picutres have been added to the photo album (see link in previous post). And i should be adding even more tomorrow when i get copies from my dad.
thanks for the visits and phone calls and checking in with us!