YEAH!!! All the pricking, squeezing, bleeding, screaming, crying, lip quivering, testing.... is done! Kaitlyn's bilirubin count today is 8.2! Praise the Lord! AND- the Dr. said no need for any more testing.... oh how sweet that sounds to a mother's ear- and a daddy's....
Just wanted to post a quick and final bilirubin update! Thanks again for everything.
I completely understand! I hate watching my girls go through pain that I can't take away.
SOOO glad for all three of you! Man, after that rough start, hopefully the rest will feel like smooth sailing.
Here's to more of girlie girl's long stints of sleep!! Even if long is just a few hours, it still feels amazing, doesn't it? :)
A great big ole' woohoo for that, sista! What great news. PTL!!!She was looking mighty cute yesterday! :)
I remember looking at my firstborn's feet all bruised and scabby..hard to take! My prayers are with you guys! Sunny days are ahead!
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