Wednesday, November 26, 2008

6 months Photos

We had a friend of ours take pictures to commemorate Kaitlyn's 1/2 Birthday! :) Brittany did a fabulous job! She took 333 photos.... and below is a great sample of what she got!

oh yeah... this first one is actually of me at 6 months! Wouldn't want to confuse any of you on WHO that is!!!

I is amazing .... well maybe even much she really does look like me!

So now... for Kaitlyn Olivia's pictures.... they are just precious!

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is My Prayer in the Desert


This is my prayer in the desert
When all that’s within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

This is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flame

I will bring praise, I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remainI will rejoice,
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I’ll stand

All of my life

In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

This is my prayer in the harvest
When favour and providence flow
I know I’m filled to be emptied again
The seed I’ve received I will sow.

(I'm blessed....)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Beyond These Shores- Denton Texas

Matt and I were forturnate enough (yes, FAVOR .... AGAIN) to attend a leadership conference in Denton Texas this past week. We went on Wednesday and returned Saturday. Soooo many things hit me at this conference and I would love to post them all, but instead i've chosen two analogies that really got me thinking that I'd love to just share a taste of those with you.

The name of the conference was "Out of the Bowl". Basically speaking this is analogy about goldfish living in bowl. I think that most of us are aware that a gold fish will grow to fit it's environment. BUT...did you know that the gold fish also continues to grow internally as well. So, as the external body grows to its maximum size because of its environment, the internal body continues to grow and therefore makes for a painful death for these fish. ALSO- goldfish die from thier own toxins in a small bowl; they can drawn in thier own poop, basically speaking! Now, if we can get them to a larger environment, they will live a lot longer!

Now, take a moment and think of that analogy as the Church. Are you living in a bowl that is too small for you? Do you need to expand to a larger environment so that you can truly live and grow into all that you are meant to be?! Not to mention, drowning in your own toxins because you can't get out of the bowl?! i said, i could keep going and going on this analogy, but you get the drift! So, let the Holy Spirit show YOU what HE wants to in this simple analogy! And, I'd like to give the credit for this analogy to Duane White of The Bridge Church and Beyond These Shores.

The second analogy that really stuck with me was one about an arrow. (Using Psalms 127). Let's look at the arrow briefly for some basic principles.
1) Sharpness - an arrow must be sharp to perform it's intended task
2) Balance- (The spirit of the word)
3) Straightness - (character, behavior)
4) Strength- (durable, faithful)
In the Church body, are you sharp, balanced, straight, and strong? Each arrow is made for a specfic purpose and an intended target.
There are times when an arrow must be in the 'quiver'. Are you willing to stay in the dark, until it's time to be brought out for your specific use?
The arrow must also work in conjunction with the bow, where it is pulled back! Are you willing to be in a relationship that is willing to pull you back when you need to be.... of course... it's in order to move forward, don't forget!

Again... I could continue to dive into both of these analogies, but will leave it up to the Holy Spirit to show you personally, what it may mean to you! Thanks to Stuart Bell for the arrow analogy.

One more quick note for those of you who know Stuart Bell, he and David have written a book called "Mud in Your Eye" about their incredible journey...

We were so blessed to be able to attend this conference and to be able to make the connections we did! Once again the Lord's favor was poured out on us in ways we could not have imagined.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

6 Months

Kaitlyn had her 6 month check up yesterday! Even the doctor called her a 'little peanut'. She is 'trending' to be on the small side... meaning tall and skinny! She weighed in at 13lbs 13oz and is 26 inches long!
She is still quite healthy- Praise the Lord- not one sick day!!!
She is just so alert and rolling around (nothing like miss anna though) and still loving her swivel seat play station thingy (thanks again Brittany)...
I can't count the number of times people have told us how precious, adorable, beautiful, good, cute, alert, sweet,.... and on and on and on....she is!
I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again... she really is spoiling US!
Here are a couple of recent pictures!

yeah, she doesn't do much for the camera yet...just puts her fingers in her mouth mostly!
Oh- we love her sooooo much!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

A big THANK YOU to all the veterans in my family and yours!
For serving in the armed forces, defending our freedom, protecting our country- our families, sacraficing of their own to give to ours.

I just wanted to take a moment to reflect and recogonize each of you!

God Bless America!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Miracle for Sure

YES! God is still in the business of miracles! And our family was the receipient of one this past weekend.
Trying to keep it simple as to not get you lost, here is an abbreviated testimony!

My Uncle and his grandson went hunting this past weekend and were camping in their mobile home. They were overcome with carbon monoxide during the night. The grandson made it out of the camper, was found by another family member. Then my uncle was found, barely breating (very shallow breaths).

The rescue squad was called (to this very remote location), they arrived and did NOT give a promising report, in fact they pretty much delivered a death sentence.

They continued to administer oxygen to both of them and transport them to the hospital. (It took 3 and 4 hours to get one and then the other to Radford Hospital).

Upon arriving there, the doctor asked my Uncle "What is your name, or Do you know who you are?" My Uncle replied.....

"My name is Sue... who are you?"! HAHAHA

I asked my dad, who was relaying this informaiton to me, was he delirious, or just being funny reciting his Johnny Cash song?!... we're still not sure about that.

They ran tests and discoverd that my uncle's carbon monoxide count was 350... a normal count is between 0 and 1!!! All the medical staff did NOT expect him to make it....

Well, my Aunt had made some calls upon learning of her husband's and grandson's condition and asked for prayer.... well I'm here to remind you that prayer still works today!

I just happened to (do you think maybe God had something to do with that? Because this baby shower was NOT suppose to be at my house....) have about 12 christian ladies over for a baby shower yesterday, and we all stopped and took time to pray for the situation and agree together for LIFE! So THANK YOU LORD for the MIRACLE OF LIFE!

AGAIN... the Favor of the Lord reigns... rains... in our home and our family! Thank you Lord.

Still Celebrating

Matt is still in celebration mode because the Phillies won the World Series!
This is how he dressed his daughter and himself for church on Sunday.

She is trying to hold up her "#1" Finger... can you see it?
Do you think she has any idea what she's in for?!
How precious....