Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Family Weekend in the Burg

Matt's mom and dad and his youngest sister along with her husband and daughter all made it down for the weekend, this past weekend. We had a really nice visit, well at least I did :)

Saturday morning we decided to go for a hike with all of us, including the two little ones! Everyone seemed to fair well through the walk!

We wanted a fairly short and easy hike so we opted to hike up to the waterfall at Hone Quarry. If you've never been- it's a great family hike to go on. The Trail name is Slate Springs.

You take 257 West through Montezuma and Ottobine, when you get to the store, make a left to stay on 257 (if you make a right you go to Clover Hill there).... keep going to 257 grocery and make a right to continue on 257. This takes you back to Hone Quarry- you'll see a Brown and Yellow Park sign on the right- make this right - which is FD 62... you follow 62 back through the camp sites and past the reservoir about 2 more miles. Look for a trail to your right numbered 428A, on your left will be a 'lane' going down a short hill to a campsite and to your right is the trailhead... and off you go!

The family gang (minus Matt, he was taking the picture...)

Me & Kaitlyn, Marci & Ashley, and Buxton-standing at the top of the "waterfall" (hey, at least there was some water coming by!)

Mom and Dad Landis- out with the walking stick!
Aaron and Matt doing a little raspberry pickin!
Of course, Buxton found the water- no problem!
Ashley and Kaitlyn hanging out on Sunday morning in their matching dresses before church! Now isn't that just the cutest thing ever!?!
Thanks for the great weekend!

Friday, July 25, 2008

What's in a name?

I'm sure if you're a parent you have some cute nick-name for your children, right? I was thinking about that the other day and the names I/we pick to call K. Things like "sweet pea" "little bug" "little peanut" "punkin" "booger".... and then i started thinking about what some of those things actually look like! NOW- pray-tell, why on earth would i call my child by a name of something that represents a booger you ask?! I do NOT know!!! The only somewhat rational explaination I've come up with is an analogy to a charismatic term "speaking in tongues".

Scriptures say in Romans 8:26: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. " So... my line of thinking is, with our own children we are simply trying to find a word or words that can somewhat express the way we feel about them and how much we love them. So we use other words with different inflection to try and help get that across....

is that crazy??? I don't know; maybe it is.... but that's my story, and well- i'm sticking to it!

So speaking of our little sweet pea... here is a picture of her and her daddy swimming last weekend and Monie and Rog's (her Burnett grandparents)
and here is a picture of our little bug hanging out with the new puppy (who i think is still nameless at this point...)

and here is a picture of our little peanut, sleeping with her little bum up in the air (oh- i could just sqeeeeeeze her sometimes, she's so cute!)

and now... we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of company this weekend! Matt's Mom and Dad and his sister, Marci, and her husband Aaron and their little girl Ashley are coming to spend the weekend with us! We're pretty excited!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Download

** we've uploaded more pictures in the Month 1+ album- check it out **
I just downloaded pictures off my camera and found these adorable pictures (well, at least I think so!) These were taken about a week and a half ago...

Suzie if you're reading this- the pink chair is the one you ended up giving her!
Just saying hello to Eeyore during my diaper change!

Hang time with Daddy

My Newest "Nephew" of sorts

I had to post a picture of the newest member of the Comer family (that's my sister's family)...
Even though he is still without a name; he is such a cutie!

And the older shall train up the younger.... :)

Mommy is back to work at 2 months old

Well, the time has come, ever too soon, for me to return to the work force. As I sit here and think back over the past eight weeks, I truly do find it so hard to believe that this much time has already passed. Kaithly Olivia is 2 months old today and as a matter of fact, in just two more days our daughter will be 9 weeks old. So does time fly by even more quickly now because I'm simply getting older, or is it because I now have a child, or does one just compound the other?
The Lord has been so faithful to us through this transition in our lives. He is gently teaching us and guiding us each step of the way, even though at times I may feel like I'm walking in circles trying to 'train' this little one in one way or another, I find comfort in the fact that we haveentrusted our child to the Lord and He will continue to be faithful.

Countless number of friends have asked how I'm doing with this transition back into work. I must say that the one thing that keeps me positive is knowing that I am only in the office two days a week. If i were returning full time at this point; I just don't know how I'd be feeling about that. After spending 8 weeks with this precious little girl, everyday, I almost can't imagine doing anything else.

So, for now- we're back at it and trying to adjust to this new schedule. Kaitlyn is still fussing over taking a bottle. The doctor today, at her 2 month check up, said that she's just spoiled with the good stuff and likes to drink right from the spout! But, not to give up, that she'll get the hang of the bottle eventually- and will eat when she's hungry enough.

Speaking of the doctor's appointment- the update on her 'stats' are she is now 8lbs 15.5 oz in weith and is 21 and 3/8 inches long! This means she has rougly gained 3 lbs and grown 3 inches since birth! She is in the 25th percentile for both height and weight.

First Swim

This past Saturday, Kaitlyn and I went to Staunton to hang out with my parents, my sister, and her two girls. Saturday was a hot day and the girls were swimming on and off and finally my sister said she was getting in and taking the girl with her! So we stripped Kaitlyn to her diaper and she got in the pool with Aunt Michele.

Then after I saw how much fun they were having, I just couldn't resist- and had to get in as well!

isn't that a cool float? A built in Palm Tree for Shade ! :)
I think it was a great first swimming experience for Kaitlyn. I tell ya, those pampers sure did hold up really well!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Independence Day Celebration

We had a great relaxing weekend- pretty low key; but oh so nice to just stay home for the weekend and not be travelling with the masses. Friday was just a day spent catching up on outdoor chores at the house. But Saturday evening we headed over to some friends for some good food, great conversation and visiting, and awesome- professional-like fireworks!!

It was so much fun to hang out and catch up with some people that I don't normally get to chat with here and there. Of course, Kaitlyn was a hit and loved on by so many people! My husband, one of the bigger kids in attendance, along with his friend Glenn, decided to chase one another on the go-karts.... now that was fun to watch two large, grown men squeeze themselves into these go-karts and buzz around the front yard, while their wives cheered them on... only to be the next two to take a ride! Here are a couple of pictures for your enjoyment!!

Thank you so much to M & E VanPelt... we always feel so welcome and enjoy ourselves at your home!
p.s.- i REALLY did love those calla-lilies... they are beautiful!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

More fav pix of the week

Here are a couple more pictures I wanted to post.
This is Kaitlyn and her 'Monnie' (not sure where that name came from, but my oldest niece -on the Burnett side- is the one that came up with it and it has just stuck as the 'grandma' word)

See, Kaitlyn is smiling a bit in this picture with Monnie.

Here is a picture of Kailtyn and her Aunt Michele.
She's smiling here too with her Aunt Michele!

This is play time with Daddy and Eeyore.
Nap time in the Kitchen while Mommy is busy making something...

Kait and Daddy--- waiting on Mommy

Oh a good nap!

Today Daddy and Kaitlyn got to sneak away and get a little nap in together. Of course, I couldn't resist a picture of that, AND of course I HAD to share it with you!!

Isn't that just precious? I love these guys!