Saturday, July 5, 2008

More fav pix of the week

Here are a couple more pictures I wanted to post.
This is Kaitlyn and her 'Monnie' (not sure where that name came from, but my oldest niece -on the Burnett side- is the one that came up with it and it has just stuck as the 'grandma' word)

See, Kaitlyn is smiling a bit in this picture with Monnie.

Here is a picture of Kailtyn and her Aunt Michele.
She's smiling here too with her Aunt Michele!

This is play time with Daddy and Eeyore.
Nap time in the Kitchen while Mommy is busy making something...

Kait and Daddy--- waiting on Mommy

1 comment:

Davene said...

Cheryl, it was so much fun to actually meet you tonight!!! I always love getting to know "the woman behind the blog" a little better. :)

These pictures are so cute. Kaitlyn is such a sweetie!