Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mommy is back to work at 2 months old

Well, the time has come, ever too soon, for me to return to the work force. As I sit here and think back over the past eight weeks, I truly do find it so hard to believe that this much time has already passed. Kaithly Olivia is 2 months old today and as a matter of fact, in just two more days our daughter will be 9 weeks old. So does time fly by even more quickly now because I'm simply getting older, or is it because I now have a child, or does one just compound the other?
The Lord has been so faithful to us through this transition in our lives. He is gently teaching us and guiding us each step of the way, even though at times I may feel like I'm walking in circles trying to 'train' this little one in one way or another, I find comfort in the fact that we haveentrusted our child to the Lord and He will continue to be faithful.

Countless number of friends have asked how I'm doing with this transition back into work. I must say that the one thing that keeps me positive is knowing that I am only in the office two days a week. If i were returning full time at this point; I just don't know how I'd be feeling about that. After spending 8 weeks with this precious little girl, everyday, I almost can't imagine doing anything else.

So, for now- we're back at it and trying to adjust to this new schedule. Kaitlyn is still fussing over taking a bottle. The doctor today, at her 2 month check up, said that she's just spoiled with the good stuff and likes to drink right from the spout! But, not to give up, that she'll get the hang of the bottle eventually- and will eat when she's hungry enough.

Speaking of the doctor's appointment- the update on her 'stats' are she is now 8lbs 15.5 oz in weith and is 21 and 3/8 inches long! This means she has rougly gained 3 lbs and grown 3 inches since birth! She is in the 25th percentile for both height and weight.

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