Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas in Virginia

OK- so i think Christmas may finally be over for us :) We did PA from Friday-Monday; my Granddad's on Christmas; and my family in Staunton on the 26th...

Christmas in Staunton, well let's just say i think some people went overboard on the presents... my mother- i just don't think she can help herself. we are suppose to only buy stocking stuffers for each other and get together to have a meal... well i would of had to have had a pretty large stocking, let me tell ya!

We did have a nice time together...
although little Emma got sick about 10 minutes before coming over for dinner ...

and then continued to get sick several more times that evening...

Of course she managed to get her presents opened with a little help from her big sister, Hannah.
Christmas always manages to remind me how blessed we really are. to think about the real reason for the season and where we would be in our lives with our Saviour Jesus Christ! that God would send His only Son here to earth to save such a one, like us.

What a blessing to be able to get together with family and just spend some good quality time with one another. As mentioned in the previous post, we spent several days in PA with Matt's family, minus his little sister, Marci and her husband Aaron, they are due with their first baby on January 12th- grandbaby number 6 for the Landis clan! So we missed them.
As well as spending some time in Max Meadows and Staunton with my family, minus my big brother, Mitch and his wife Lyne. They live on the Outer Banks and my brother is self employeed - so you know when you have work- you pretty much need to take advantage, especially in the building industry these days. We missed them and their 2 dogs as well...

I think one of the neatest gifts i got was from my sister, she bought me a fetal heart beat amplifier- it's very similar to the hand held one they use at the OBs office when they are checking for the heartbeat. We all took turns listening to the baby's heartbeat with headphones... how awesome is that?! Plus it's reassuring to hear that every now and again... especially since i'm not feeling (or recognizing) baby movement just yet.

Max Meadows on Christmas day was a bit bitter-sweet. My Grandmother passed away this year, i would say unexpectedly, and so this was the first Christams without her busseling around the house cooking and hugging and singing and giving out presents. It was tough, especially on her children, but on us grandchildren as well.

We had a really great turn out, yet again, this year for the day. There were some missing for work reasons mostly, but all in all it was a nice time to get together with family and just share the memories for a while.
... Family Shots

Lord, help me to not take for granted those in my family and to appreciate and to love them always!

Merry Christmas... until next year


Kristy said...

What a fun Christmas! It sounds like you were busy! The fetal monitor is such a great gift...we had one with was so fun to listen to. Sooo, I am so curious...what did your mom get you?!?!?!

By the way, love your new layout!


Jolanthe said...

love the new blog layout!! :) and yes, the coffee punch recipe lives on!! can't tell you how often I make that's tough, but someone has to do it. :)