Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A New Year....

In the beginning... of 2008 that is... we painted, we organized, threw out junk, went through drawers and closets and bins, we moved furniture and vaccuumed, refinished furniture, etc.... so you can only imagine how tired i am now!

the best part is, my mom and my sister came up to the house on New Years Eve and they painted our nursery... shades of green- or course. they are disney colors called 'silly old bear' and 'by the pond'. so i realize that probably does nothing to help conjure up an image of green in your minds eye. sorry- i should probably try and take a picture of it. but- the painting is done!

matt spent several days sanding and staining 2 old dressers we have to try and match the crib that we want to get. which was quite challenging, since we don't yet have the crib- and matching the color with something you don't have yet, well is sort of challenging :) but when it was all said and done- i think my husband did a great job on his very first refinishing project!

my brother-in-law came and put up a new back-splash that day as well! it looks awesome!
my dad came and fixed my vaccuum cleaner, and helped move some heavy stuff!
my nieces came and played in the hot tub, and tried to stay out of trouble!

then... the whole family sat down to a dinner of pork, sauerkraut, black-eyed-peas, etc.... our traditional new years meal! as i think back, i have NO idea where this tradition comes from... all i know, for now anyways, is that we've done it for as long as i can remember! this will prompt me to probe my mother to see WHY we actually do this... :)

i'll stop with the rest of the boring details for new years day... all i can say is we were just busy!!!


Kristy said...

I can't wait to see the nursery! I am sure it is absolutely adorable. Did my sweet Eyore find a good spot in this green nursery?!?!?

Love to you and your peanut!

Karla said...

I found this explanation for the traditional southern new years meal and that many countries have traditional "lucky meals" maybe that explains the black eyed peas......---There is a Southern saying that dictates eating habits in the Southern United States' New Year's: "Eat poor on New Year's, eat fat the rest of the year." A traditional Southern New Year's meal includes ham, corn bread, black-eyed peas and collard greens. Both black-eyed peas and collard greens are considenavy especially lucky additions to the dinner table. Black-eyed peas are thought to bring wealth because they look like little coins, in addition to the fact that they swell when cooked -- a sure sign of prosperity. Collard greens are considenavy lucky because they are green, like greenbacks -- money!

Since someone reminded me recently We don't need to believe in luck. Instead I will say -- God bless your new year and your birth and the new addition to the family that is to come this year!

Beth said...

You sure do sound busy! How fun though. I say you just keep it going in your kitchen - I'm sure Matt won't mind! :)
Thinking of you in this upcoming week!

Christin said...

oh girl! Your talking my language. I LOVE me some organizing. In an OCD sort of way. ;)

Looking forward to seeing pictures of the nursery. You know, once your picture-taking finger has recovered from all that work you just did!!!

Christin said...

oh girl! Your talking my language. I LOVE me some organizing. In an OCD sort of way. ;)

Looking forward to seeing pictures of the nursery. You know, once your picture-taking finger has recovered from all that work you just did!!!

pyrotechny said...

My grandmother used to eat for New Year's "black-eyed peas and jowl meat"(she pronounced it Joel)
And I agree, the peas had something to do with money...but I don't know what pig-face had to do with it at all. Something neat to Google.