Tuesday, June 10, 2008

4 weeks old

It's hard to believe, I KNOW, but Kaitlyn will be 4 weeks old this thursday! I'm shocked at how fast this time has gone by!!! Our little girl seems to be a pretty easy child.... now, don't get me wrong- she defintely has her moments, but like i've said- we ALL have our moments, don't we?

We've had two nights where she slept for 4 hours and then 5 hour stretches! Oh Lord, bring it on- more of those is exactly what we've ordered!

She enjoys eating and sleeping and making dirty diapers, and of course she loves being held by her mommy and daddy! Play time on the floor is usually fun, but that gets a little boring more quickly than the other activities she enjoys :o)

We are both adjusting to parenthood, lack of sleep, and family! What an amazing gift the Lord has seen fit to give to us and entrust to US, He handpicked this sweet little girl just for us to be her parents; to be the people that teach her about Jesus and help guide and direct her in the path the Lord has for HER! W-O-W...that's a whole other topic, isn't it?

A HUGE thank you to everyone that has brought us meals- they have ALL been greatly appreciated and enjoyed! I'm quickly approaching time to face reality and I will have to start making dinner on my own next week... OH MY! i've been so blessed (and spoiled- well I mean not spoiled- just 'well taken care of') with all the meals and just not having to think about them... now it's time to start 'multi-tasking' and learing how to hold a crying baby and cook at the same time.... I use to think all these stay at home moms have all day to get things done- why can't they just get it done? well... NOW I KNOW- and i apologize for thinking you really have all this time on your hands during the day with one or mutlitple children at home.... :o)

We've been updating the Kaitlyn photo album with more and more recent pictures, so keep checking it out!

Love ya!!!


Brittany said...

Amazing how time suddenly picks up when you become a mom, isn't it?! I told you multi-tasking at the office is NOTHING compared to multi-tasking at home. You'll do just fine! I love watching you with your little one. Such a natural mother that was blessed at just the right time with your baby girl. She's just as sweet as she can be.

Kristy said...

I love all the pics. What a cute little girl! You and Matt are going to be amazing parents. And you are the queen of multi-tasking so I know you are going to do just fine. Its amazing how much time those little people take up, huh?! I agree with Brittany, you are such a natural mother with her and it is so fun to see you as a mom! Keep the pics and updates coming!

Beth said...

Can I just say that I have been checking on your blog - and until this very day it just kept saying "Mexico 2004." I guess I had to refresh the page. All of the sudden I have so much reading and catching up to do! The pics and info are all so great! She is just precious!!!