Monday, June 23, 2008

Family Weekend in PA

We made our way to PA the other weekend. It started out G-R-E-A-T! Kaitlyn slept the whole way there! Well, the last 10-15 mins she cried because she was hungry, but basically she made it the entire trip! What a blessing!!

It was a great weekend to spend with family. Everyone made it to Grammy and Pop Pop's for the weekend. We arrived Friday night to a houseful of boys, and two of them were just thrilled to see thier new cousin Kaitlyn. Every chance they got they were touching her, watching her, hugging her, kissing her! It was soooo sweet... Zachy and Tyler both were just enamoured by her... "I love baby girls" Zachy would tell me over and over again! They all did really well with her.

Kaitlyn got to meet all of her aunts and uncles and cousins. She is grandbaby #7 on the Landis side and girl #3... watch out boys, we're catching up to you! They all just loved on her and it was fun to see what she may look like in 4 more months, because her 5 month old cousin Ashley was there as well! It's amazing how they grow and how big Ash looks compared to little Kaitlyn...
(Kaitlyn and Aunt Marci) (Kaitlyn and Aunt Marla)
(Kaitlyn and Grammy)

This was also Matt's first Father's Day! I think it was special for the 3 of us to be in PA with his family for the weekend for him! He seemed to glow with pride over his little girl. She has him wrapped around his finger I believe!

I've posted more pictures, of course! Over on the right under Photo Albums, you'll see the link, check them out!

p.s. notice i didn't mention the ride home with the baby girl...hmmm... ;)


Anonymous said... just wouldn't have been fair to the rest of us who have traveled with our kids for her to be an angel both ways:) We loved having you...whose the little blondie that cried in every picture? ;)Zachy of course is still talking about her and "misses and wuvs her".


Anonymous said...

Well said.