Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Time

W-O-W!! What a BEAUTIFUL day we had to enjoy today!
The pictures show a blanket with toys...but do you really think she spent most of her time there?! You guessed it... NOPE! But that was ok... we managed to spend several hours out there and not eat anything or get any cuts, bumps, or bruises! So all in all... a successful day!

This was mommy trying to be spelling her name out :0)

The Family... just hanging out and basking in the sunshine!

OK... I've had enough... see ya'll later now.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a blast in the nice weather! I know we certainly enjoyed it!

Brittany said...

She's just too cute! Tennyson was very concerned when we put him to bed and "da bay-beee" was gone. :-)

SO glad you guys came tonight!

Kristen said...

Super cute pictures. I gave you a blog award on my blog...check it out when you have a moment.