Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New England Vacation Day 2-Part 1

Day 2 of our vacation started in Lincoln New Hampshire. We visited Franconia Notch State Park! The park is located in the White Mountain National Forest. There is a parkway (I-93)that extends from Echo Lake at the north to the Flume Gorge at the south.
Franconia Notch was the home of the famous Old Man of the Mountain, the same "Great Stone Face" immortazilized by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Daniel Webster (according the nhstateparks.org). However, in 2003 the face fell and so sadly enough, we did not visit that particular section of the Park.

The picture above is of Echo Lake. It was such a calm, peaceful morning when we stopped here to take a look! You can see how still the water is by the reflection of the mountains in the lake. Apparently, we had just missed seeing the bears roam about on the Cannon Mountain ski slopes, which would be to the right in this picture.
The picture above is one of many covered bridges that you can find in NE. This one happens to be along the trail to the Flume Gorge.

The Flume Gorge was discovered in 1808. It is a natural gorge extending 800 feet at the base of Mount Liberty.

The notorious "Self Portrait" attempt!

Making our way further up and into the gorge. The price we paid to get in to see this "flume" was well worth it, we thought, once we saw all the hard work of the stairs laid out for us to make it to the top of the gorge.

This is Avalanche Falls- the 2 mile hike was well worth it to see this waterfall. It was a easy hike and a beautiful day for it!

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