Monday, July 20, 2009


The Obenshain ReportJuly 20, 2009
Rest Area Closures:An Avoidable Blunder

They are among the most literal signs of Virginia's ongoing budget crisis, and if you've pulled off the interstate at a rest area lately, perhaps you've seen one: within the last two weeks, signs went up at eighteen rest areas across the Commonwealth announcing their imminent closure. These rest areas will officially shut down at midnight tonight – just as many motorists and truckers are looking for a place to stop for a break.

Some will see in these newly barricaded entrances a grim commentary on the Commonwealth's openness to tourism, travel, and commerce. Shuttering these rest areas makes those long stretches along our interstates less inviting to those contributing to Virginia's billion dollar tourism industry. As one op-ed columnist observed, a visitor to Virginia might soon tell friends and family that the Blue Ridge Mountains are spectacular, but, on the flip side of the ledger, Virginia closed all the restrooms.

But I have a still more pressing and immediate concern: as many as twenty percent of all highway accidents are caused by "drowsy driving," and eliminating places to pull off, stretch one's legs, or use the restrooms may sometimes be more than inconvenience. It rises, at times, to the level of a safety concern.

Virginia's budget is a mess; there's no getting around that. Cuts are unavoidable, and no department or agency is immune. Eliminating nineteen rest areas – eighteen on July 21 and another in September – to save a mere $9 million is, however, reckless and unnecessary.
As I have long pointed out, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) are no strangers to pork-barrel and wasteful spending. Scrapping plans for a single public rail pilot project, for instance, could fund keeping these nineteen rest areas open for another three years.

Several decades ago, a new term entered the political lexicon: the Washington Monument Strategy. Year after year, Congress would call upon the National Park Service to find ways to operate more efficiently, and invariably the response would be that if they had to cut one more penny, they would have no choice but to close the Washington Monument. Something very similar seems to be taking place here: ordered to make cuts, VDOT has responded by making the most painful and public cuts they can get away with in a game of brinksmanship in which Virginia's motorists are unfortunately cast as mere pawns.

Under federal law drafted in, and more appropriate to, a much earlier era, we do not have the option of commercializing or privatizing our rest areas to make them profitable or at least less fiscally burdensome. Sadly, last week Congressman Frank Wolfe's efforts to change that federal law were rejected with speed seldom seen in the halls of Congress -speed seemingly reserved for "stimulus" bills, bailouts, and possibly now for the nationalization of our healthcare system.
We do, however, have the option of cutting elsewhere. Delegate Todd Gilbert and I have called for an outside performance audit of VDOT which could identify far better targets for elimination.

The barricades are going up tomorrow, but it didn't have to be this way: with a little prudence and an eye toward eliminating needless expenditures, we could have recouped this cost and far more.

Don't let anyone tell you that this was unavoidable: there were always other options. Funds are tight, and painful cuts will continue to be necessary across the board, but the closure of these nineteen rest areas became a foregone conclusion because those who could have charted a different course chose to do nothing.

That's not a legacy I would want.

Mark ObenshainVirginia State Senator

P.S. If you share my commitment to auditing VDOT, please join my Expose VDOT Waste website and Facebook group and, as always, feel free to forward this email to any friends or colleagues who might be interested.

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Obenshain Reports 2 South Main Street Suite 402 P.O. Box 555 Harrisonburg VA 22803

Kids Klothing Exchange August 8th

Grace Covenant Church - Harrisonburg
If you attend Grace, you need to check this out!

Kids Klothing Exchange
You give – You receive

This event has been scheduled to coincide with the back to school season. Clean out those bulging closets this summer and receive some “new” cloths for your children as they head back to school.

Families are asked to drop-off gently worn children’s clothes at the church starting Sunday, August 2 – Friday, August 7th. All clothes must be dropped off at the church office by 2:00 p.m. each day.

Bring clothes sorted by sizes! All sizes and ages will be accepted.

Then on Saturday August 8th, you are invited to come swap your clothes with others from our church family. Come experience the promise of if you give, you shall receive. All remaining clothes will be donated to the Grace Covenant Clothes Closet outreach initiative targeting our larger community. For more information contact Joy Stultz at 540-421-0431.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ks Best Friend

Man's Best Friend! Kaitlyn sure has found hers this past month or so! She has really taken an interest in Buxton. He is so gentle with her, I can't say much for her however!

Watch out Buxton..... here I come!
Maybe I can ride him, let's see....
Just a little pat....(whack!)
almost on him.... i'll keep trying! Now if he would only get up and take me around! (haha)
Maybe, she will learn the word "gentle" through these experiences with Buxton! I must say it 100 times or more when she is crawling on him or over him, or pulling on his ears or chops, or petting him (pounding on him)... she just giggles and is so happy when she is playing with her dog!
Buxton is so great with her, of course it may have something to do with being almost 11 years old!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I suppose after watching me do countless loads of laundry K has learned the process. First you empty the basket, folding things and neatly placing them in piles, so that you can then place everything back in the basket to carry it upstairs.

Step 1,2,and.... She has emptied the basket... made um piles on the floor....
and she is filling the basket back up again.... just not with the neatly folded items?!

Occassionally, K gets a ride in the laundry basket around our open floor plan when i get the basket emptied! We sit in the basket and hold on for dear life as mommy bends over and drags her through the kitchen, the living room, the dining room and back into the kitchen again.... she LOVES it!
Do you think, this could have possibly been a hint that someone wanted a ride this morning?

hmmmmm.... my piles don't look as neat as mommy's.... i'll just keep trying!

what J-O-Y! a true treasure!

I tried...

So... I had these great plans to take K's 1 year photos at my Mom and Dads. They have spent the last several months really working on their back patio area- which now looks like something out of Southern Living, I might add (NICELY DONE!)- BUT.... as I'm sure all mom's are aware, when you have a toddler; without some fishing line and an invisible hand; how are you suppose to take them by yourself?! If you have discover a way to do this- please share with us newer moms!
Sitting by the pond... i know these are little 'creepy' with the "face" behind her... that is one of my dad's 'widdling' (is it?) projects!

I mean, doesn't it look like such a great outdoor setting for a photo shoot?

These are the Micky or should I say Minni Mouse ears that my Mom brought back for K from Disney World...

Another great potential location for a summer time photo shoot! What pretty flowers, wouldn't you agree?

These were taken up on the new raised patio where the hot tub is.... VERY NICE.... :)
So, as you can see in the next post- that may have been a better idea.... We'll see how it goes at 18 mos....
What a treat this little girl is! SOOO MUCH FUN!!! She keeps us on our toes, and our knees, and our feet.... you get the idea!

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Photos

Sorry I've been such a slacker lately! BUT- I did want to get K's 1 year pictures posted before too much time had passed! So enjoy these for now; and hopefully I'll be back at it soon!