Monday, July 20, 2009

Kids Klothing Exchange August 8th

Grace Covenant Church - Harrisonburg
If you attend Grace, you need to check this out!

Kids Klothing Exchange
You give – You receive

This event has been scheduled to coincide with the back to school season. Clean out those bulging closets this summer and receive some “new” cloths for your children as they head back to school.

Families are asked to drop-off gently worn children’s clothes at the church starting Sunday, August 2 – Friday, August 7th. All clothes must be dropped off at the church office by 2:00 p.m. each day.

Bring clothes sorted by sizes! All sizes and ages will be accepted.

Then on Saturday August 8th, you are invited to come swap your clothes with others from our church family. Come experience the promise of if you give, you shall receive. All remaining clothes will be donated to the Grace Covenant Clothes Closet outreach initiative targeting our larger community. For more information contact Joy Stultz at 540-421-0431.

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