Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I suppose after watching me do countless loads of laundry K has learned the process. First you empty the basket, folding things and neatly placing them in piles, so that you can then place everything back in the basket to carry it upstairs.

Step 1,2,and.... She has emptied the basket... made um piles on the floor....
and she is filling the basket back up again.... just not with the neatly folded items?!

Occassionally, K gets a ride in the laundry basket around our open floor plan when i get the basket emptied! We sit in the basket and hold on for dear life as mommy bends over and drags her through the kitchen, the living room, the dining room and back into the kitchen again.... she LOVES it!
Do you think, this could have possibly been a hint that someone wanted a ride this morning?

hmmmmm.... my piles don't look as neat as mommy's.... i'll just keep trying!

what J-O-Y! a true treasure!

1 comment:

Blackwell said...

She's adorable!!! :)