Thursday, August 13, 2009

THE Tea Party

My Mom and Dad threw a tea party for my nieces! They were each allowed to invite 3 friends. I tell ya, they really went all out on this thing! I'm not sure how they'll top this one.
You know... this will have to become an annual event!!! My Dad... The Butler- greeting young ladies as they arrived for the party.
Miss Emma awaiting the arrival of her guests.

Miss Hannah awaiting the arrival of her guests!

The Host and Hostess dressed for success! And a huge success it was, I tell ya!

My sister even dressed up for the occassion. She is putting the finishing touches on the decorations.
The Set up on the patio.

They all had place settings assigned by little place cards.

The Butler at work, serving his guests finger sandwiches and fruit and cookies and the like.

Now, this is where it got a bit unconvential for a Tea Party! My dad put a zip line up in the yard (woods sort of) and all the young ladies in their pretty little dresses just had to take turns on the zip line. It's just too much fun not to!
What a great afternoon! My mom gave them all ettiquette lessons prior to serving them 'tea' and finger foods. Some of them picked up pretty quickly on the napkin in the lap, no elbows on the table, please, thank you.... not sure they all got all the proper manners down... but they seemed to all enjoy themselves!
What a great idea!


Anonymous said...

oo my goodness that looks like so much fun! Your parents are too sweet. Everyone looks so nice all dressed up and enjoying a tea :-)

Linda said...

Wow, that is really neat.
My nieces would love that!

Jolanthe said...

That is the sweetest thing!! Your dad cracks me up - but I'm betting he was a hit!!