Sunday, September 21, 2008

4 Months

W-O-W!! I know it's hard to believe, but Kaitlyn is already 4 months old!
She is weighing in at 11lbs- 7 oz; and 23.5" long... she is progressing along the 25th percentile line, and right on track for her height and weight!
SHE continues to spoil US! She really is making things easy on us. Mommy gets plenty of sleep, she is not terribly fussy (now she does have her moments!), she can melt you with her smile, she holds on tight and you feel her love!

Children are soooo trusting! What a lesson to remember as we adults walk through our daily lives... trust our Father, our Heavenly Father, just as our children trust without hesitation. What great reminder to have in our lives!

She has just recently started to eat cereal.... with a spoon... :0) Boy- this sure has been fun! She is really getting the hang of it, and maybe this week we'll introduce another item to spice things up a little! hahah

These little BUMBO seats are a-w-e-s-o-m-e! It is a great thing to feed her in- she loves being able to sit up and look around.... although she does still occasionally slump over :o)

Being a parent is way more fun, exciting, rewarding, scary, thrilling than I ever thought possible! We continue to learn so much about ourselves through this process of parenting. Lord, continue to pour out your favor and grace into our family!

1 comment:

pyrotechny said...

What a doll!
I like that seat, too!