Thursday, October 30, 2008


As a tribute to my husband, I MUST post about his "Stinkin' Phillies"

They have won their 2nd ever World Series in their 125 year history. Thier 1st World Series was won in 1980 against the Kansas City Royals.

The Phillies Won the 2008 Series in a game lead of 4-1 (best 4 out of 7). Winning last night's game 4-3!

This is quite a memorable time in history for the Landis Family! If any of you know them at all... this is just HUGE! :)

Matt went off to work today in his Phillies Shirt and Hat! What a fan!

And Kaitlyn dressed in her attire - just for daddy- today...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Surprise Visit!

I was very pleasantly surprised today by a short visit!!!

I KNOW- adorable :)... right?

Kaitlyn and her Granddaddy Rog!

Lourdes- thanks for bringing her by!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Little Bit goes a long way!

Today I discovered the cutest new webpage! It's the Little Bits web site. All proceeds go to support missionaries in Kensington-Philly area. My sister-in-law's - sister-in-law (did you follow that) started a blog and so i was checking it out.

She has a post about this Little Bits web page and ordered somethings from there...
They are all really too cute for words- so you'll just have to check it out yourself.

Here is the link - Little Bits

I know, it's probably more than you were expecting to spend, but keep in mind all profits go to support those on the mission field, here in the USA! :)

So at least check it out and dream, and pass it on!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just wanted to...

OK, I think this is my last post for the day. (Fridays seem to be the best day for me to get some posts up for the week... a no work day for me- YEAH!)

Bath time has become daddy-daughter time!
Almost from the very beginning, it has been Matt that gives K her baths in the evenings. I'm not sure which one of them enjoys it more?!
K enjoys the splashing and kicking, the sucking of the fingers, (and sometimes the TV when it's on in the Kitchen).... she is like a queen, laying there in one of her favorite places, all kicked back, relaxed, watching the scene and color changes on the TV in front of her.... Not to mention having your Daddy stand by and watch you, bathe you, talk to you, tickle you, and care for you the whole time... does it get any better than this?

Told you she likes to suck on her fingers!

Morning Sunrise

Believe it or not- THIS is a Rockingham County Sunrise!
Pictures taken this morning from my front porch.

2.Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. 3. God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. "Selah" His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. 4. His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. (Habakkuk 3:2-4)

Evening Walks

Well, it seems it is becoming more and more apparent that our evening walks are quickly coming to an end. Not only will it be dark when Daddy gets home in a week, it is also getting more chilly outside!
However, we might have the chilly problem taken care of! Kaitlyn LOVES going for stroller rides, especially with her black dog, Buxton!

It is much easier when Matt and I both go for the walk, because you simply can NOT go without Buxton! Although we have both done it alone, it is much better together!
Evening walks are a great time to unwind from the day and share experiences, thoughts, issues, problems, concerns, dreams, and love from the day with each other!
I'm sure we will continue our walks whenever possible, but i bet it's going to be more of a weekend event for the next 6 months!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Apostles Creed

As a little girl my family attended a Presbyterian Church. Unfortunately, mostly I remember being told when to stand, told when to sit, told what to pray, etc....
This morning I was reading over some notes and came across the Apostles Creed. I first learned this prayer in this Presbyterian Church 30 years ago probably... and then it was just words in a book, a memory lesson to regurgitate to a Sundy School teacher.
Today, it is so much more than that. I am disappointed that somehow years ago, I missed what this prayer is really revealing to our hearts. If it's been a while since you've seen it, read it, prayed it, take a moment and listen to the heart of this prayer, and what HE did for all of us.
Thanks for the new eyes to see, the new heart to feel, the new ears to hear...

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into hell.

The third day He arose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven

and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Months of Favor and then some

Kaitlyn is already 5 months old!
I KNOW- I can't believe it either! Kaitlyn has been such a joy to have around. As all of you with children know, you can't picture life without them, can you?!

Kaitlyn has given us 5 months of good health! She has not been sick a day since she was born. This is something we don't take for granted. So, we claim 5++ more months of good health!
I also wanted to comment on the fact that I really have NOT been sleep deprived! PTL!! She is just really good about feeding in my bed and then going right back to sleep (in her crib- most times ;) )... so that is a HUGE YEAH!

Kaitlyn is finally getting on a schedule. One of more sleep, more food, and more smiles! Thanks to my friend NM and her suggestion of a book entitled " Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth. I've read a couple of books about schedules and sleep habits, but just didn't feel like any of them 'fit' me very well. This book was different for me, and now different for Kaitlyn! Most days she is sleeping 7pm to 7am (waking for a feeding or two) and taking 2 to 3 naps during the day! She is really loving her 'real' food of peas, beans, potatoes, pears, peaches, apples, bananas, and cereal! She has already discoverd a whole new world!

She has even done really well on shot day. Every other month when we go to the doctor for checkups and shots, she handles them very well, and we don't have hardly any trouble out of her in the evenings!

She is standing up in her saucer seat (thank you Brittany for the borrow) and turns herself around to see what is going on behind her, beside her, in front of her! She is so aware of everything! She especially likes sitting at the front door and looking outside; although Buxton doesn't like that so much- because she has taken one of his favorite spots as well.
One other thing her Daddy will also remember about the marking of her 5 months is that


They won their 4th NLCS game last night against the Dodgers and head off to the world series next Wednesday!!!


What a J-O-Y! We look forward to more!

Elway and Landis

This is a picture of Daddy and his birthday gift! Kaitlyn worked really hard at pulling it all together! You see, her Uncle Shane saw this autographed football of John Elway's and just knew it would be perfect for Matt. Not only did Shane pick up the football and plaque picture here, but he made this stand and wall hanging for it all to go on! Matt has been a huge Elway fan since he was about 9 years old, I think. He told me once that Elway was the first quarterback he ever saw play on TV, and ever since then he's followed his career, as well as the Broncos.

Matt really likes it and was even surprised!

About a month ago Shane and his family came for a visit and 'snuck' this gift into our home, and Kaitlyn decided to just hold on to it and give it to Daddy on his birthday!

Didn't she do a great job?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Uncle Mitch

Kaitlyn finally got to meet her Uncle Mitch. YEAH!!!
Uncle Mitch lives on the Outer Banks and is a self employeed contractor... so as you probably know, one must work when there is work! So after lots of conflicting schedules, we managed to see Uncle Mitch for a brief period this past weekend!!

We hung out at Mom and Dad's.... Mom had us take this picture of her and Kaitlyn to show off her pretty little dress and those cute pink shoes again! :)

Of course,I didn't mind!!

Thanks for stopping by Uncle Mitch- I love you!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

In Memory

This week marks one year for a special someone in our lives. Not that we would ever forget you, but I wanted to document for memory sake.

I wanted to tell you that we love you so much and we miss you everyday.

We know Jesus is watching over you and you're in a place where you can have so much more than you ever could here! :)

We long to see you again one day. We love you.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Half of Best Match Ever!

Kaitlyn wanted to say...


I am soo glad you're coming home today after being gone for so long! I pray for you another year of continued favor and blessing to be poured, well even dumped, on your life! I thank our Lord that He has blessed me with a man such as yourself! I'm excited to see what He has in store for you (and us) this next year!
Love you so much baby!!!