Friday, October 24, 2008

Evening Walks

Well, it seems it is becoming more and more apparent that our evening walks are quickly coming to an end. Not only will it be dark when Daddy gets home in a week, it is also getting more chilly outside!
However, we might have the chilly problem taken care of! Kaitlyn LOVES going for stroller rides, especially with her black dog, Buxton!

It is much easier when Matt and I both go for the walk, because you simply can NOT go without Buxton! Although we have both done it alone, it is much better together!
Evening walks are a great time to unwind from the day and share experiences, thoughts, issues, problems, concerns, dreams, and love from the day with each other!
I'm sure we will continue our walks whenever possible, but i bet it's going to be more of a weekend event for the next 6 months!

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