Sunday, January 25, 2009

Precious to My Heart

In keeping with my previous posts about special gifts, there is one that I just could NOT leave out!

My mom gave me her bible when I got married. That in itself was a special and significant gift...but.... she also wrote a piece of heart into a poem for me. You can see the framed poem and the Bible below.

And, since you can't really see what the poem says I want to type it out for my memoirs.
Dear Cheryl,
This Bible is old, it's weathered and worn
And through the years some pages have torn

But it's special to me for many reasons
And it has served me well through most of life's seasons.

It was 1958 in the Spring of the year
When I cam to know Christ and He became dear.
That year at Christmas this Bible was a gift to me
And on it my name was inscribed for everyone to see.

It was my first "complete" Bible and I was so glad
'Cause it was given to me by my Mom and Dad
I read it diligently taking it down off the shelf
But with dating, school and sports I often thought more of myself.

When I started my firstjob and I went off to DC
In my suitcase was this Bible remembering me who I was to be.
It was with me on 12/30/61, the best of my life
When I married your Father and became his wife.

As I walked down the aisle toward his smile of love
was carrying this Book with joy from above
My Bible was covered with a bouquet of flowers
And it marked the beginning of many happy hours,
For with Christ at the center, a marriage is blessed
As two become one and on His Word they rest.

So although it's old and visibily aged,
I wish you the love found on every page
For years it was the only Bible I carried
Now, I give it to you on the you are married.
March 12, 2005

This still brings tears to my eyes as I've now re-read it a hundred times probably!
I too carried this Bible the day I was married with a bouquet of flowers.
A mother that is also a friend, is something rare and so special.
Thank you Lord for my mom and her heart for you and for me!

Love you Mom!

1 comment:

Carl8ta said...

I love this story!!!

ps - that comforter in the backgroud sure looks nice!