Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kaitlyn's Dedication

Now that Kaitlyn is 10 1/2 months old, we finally got around to her dedication! :) She did GREAT! Of course, it helped that "Dicks" walked her around for the introductions and Merle led us through the 'verbage' of attesting to the fact that YES, as her parents we do fully intend to raise her to believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, and to teach her and train her up in the ways of the Lord.... to the best of our ability. We were missing 6 people from our entire immediate family; not so bad when there are 26 of us.

Matt and I decided to do a slide show of photos for the first 10 months of Kaitlyn's life and to play a song on CD for the occassion. We chose the song "I Saw God Today" by George Strait! YES... it is a country song... but one that we both like and enjoy, and even before Kaitlyn was born we would say, if we have a girl- we should use this song at her dedication... and so- we did! I even emailed ole Georgie boy to see if he'd come and sing it for us...but it must have gotten lost in all the other emails, because we never heard back from him :) hehehe! That's ok... we were still blessed!

Here is the video that was captured on Sunday at church... (thanks Dawn for being willing to do that).

And here are a couple of pictures...(thanks Christina for being willing to do that).!

The dress you see Kaitlyn wearing is very special. Two of my bestest friends got together and dreamed this one up! Dawn, who was in our wedding, gave her bridesmaid's dress to Lourdes. Lourdes, then cut off the bottom part of the long skirt and made this little dress for Kaitlyn to wear on her dedication. You can't see them, but she also made matching bloomers to go with it! What a sweet gesture and awesome idea! I think this could be a new business! It is so special and holds more sentimental value than just a dress!

What a great weekend of family and friends! We are truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

That was such a great dedication for Kaitlyn. I love the story behind the dress!

Blackwell said...

first... I LOVED the song!!! second.. that dress is SO special! What a cool idea!!!! thirdly.. She's BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

Carl8ta said...

i know i already told you - but i loved the dress!!!

she is such a cutie!

pyrotechny said...

I love the idea of the dress! What a great use for the material!

So glad you posted it...another reason I miss having only one service :(