Monday, January 11, 2010

11 weeks and counting

I got a pleasant surprise last week when I went to my baby doctor appointment.... since I was only 10 weeks-6 days; the doctor was worried she would not be able to hear the heart beat with the doppler, so she opted to just give me an ultrasound and even just skip trying the doppler! What a great surprise that was for me!!!

So below is my cock-eyed scanned picture of our latest ultrasound picture! It is so amazing to me that you can already tell the head and body - even though it still really resembles a kidney bean... :)

Kaitlyn went with me to the appointment, so she got to see the baby before daddy did... the doctor was explaining to her that mommy has a baby in her tummy... and well- you guessed it- now Kaitlyn has a baby in her tummy! If you ask her where her baby is, she'll point to her belly! So sweet! She now points to Mommy's belly and says 'baby, baby' :) As time goes on and the belly gets bigger and bigger and Kaitlyn gets a little older- maybe she'll understand even more!

We are so blessed to be having our second child! Pray with us that everything continues to go well and for a healthy, full-term baby with no complications or surprises along the way!


Melissa said...

Congrats guys! We are just about 2 weeks behind you! From the first time we told Evan about the baby, he did the same thing- looks at my belly and says "Baby." Brandon tries to get him to talk into my belly button to the baby but I'm ok with him just knowing it's there for now! We will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby for you all. I know how anxious (but exciting) of a time this can be but I always tell myself that the Lord knew this baby long before it was conceived, so no worrying or anything else can alter the Lord's plans. My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. Congrats again!!

JUANdelaCRUZ said...
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