Saturday, February 2, 2008

Change Is On The Horizon

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on things in my spiritual past that have molded me and shaped me into who Jesus is in me and who I am in Him. Two of the biggest influences, well maybe even three… in no particular order just now… are 1) Prophecy Class 2) Soaking Prayer and 3) Girls Bible Study in the late 90s early 2000s ….

I once was talking with one of our Pastors on staff at church and commented on how much I missed Prophecy Class and that he’d be a great candidate to get something similar to that up and going again. Of course his next question was, what exactly was Prophecy Class? I wish I had given that more thought at the time and found a way to put into words what it really was. Prophecy class was a Sunday morning ‘class’ that met before church weekly. It was a group of people following hard after God and anxious to see what He was up to next.

There seems to be several changes happening recently in these areas that have molded and shaped me over the years. Therefore, I’ve been focusing more on this area in my prayer times. This morning I had a short and sweet ‘euphony’ regarding Prophecy Class. I got to thinking, what was it about that class that was so attractive to me? Why did it have such a great influence in my life? What I came up with, with the help of the Lord I’m quite sure, is that Prophecy Class was a place to go every week and hear what God was up to! Yes, it is so so true that Jesus DOES speak to each and everyone of us individually! BUT… there is something about having someone else in your life tell you the same thing that Jesus just told you…. You get it? If someone else can tell you the same thing that Jesus told you- it makes it that much more REAL! Yes, it is true, I should truly just believe it the first time when the Lord tells me…but I am human, and there is something about that confirmation that I need…. So that my friends - was my eye opener this morning…. A place to go and be surrounded by people that are going after the same things you are, a place that is safe to step out and be challenged, a place where others are willing to share what God is doing and what God is saying, a place of confirmation…So, where do I find that excitement, expectation, knowledge, wisdom, relationship, insight, …. Now?

Well, I believe the Lord is working on that! Like I mentioned, there seems to be several areas of ministry that I’m involved in that are experiencing changes just now. And the leaders of these ministries have asked “us” to be praying and seeking the Lord on ‘new direction’… I’m not saying that whatever is in store for us will be a replacement for ‘Prophecy Class’ in my life… but I am so excited to see the possibilities of what He can do in our midst if we only give Him the chance! Will we be willing and able and ready to relinquish ‘control’ to the Holy Spirit in a NEW way? A way that may look foreign to most of us, but feels right in our spirit? A way that gives the Lord our first fruits and not the left-overs? A way that enhances our gifts and brings out new ones? A way that encourages our leaders as leaders and confirms in their spirits what the Lord has already spoken to their hearts!?!

Yes, it is without a doubt a time of change… but there is an excitement in my spirit! A quote from one of these past leaders in my life…”We’re just a group of people that love Jesus! Going where He is going and doing what He is doing!” keep it up Lord… don’t let us miss out on what You have in store for us because we’re too busy looking in the wrong places or too busy complaining about what we don’t have!

Oh my…. I feel as though maybe I’m not putting into words exactly the understanding I have in my heart so maybe there will be a part 2 to this….but for now…. It is what it is…


Christin said...

Ahhhh!!!!! I feel it too! It feels like we're standing on the edge of something HUGE. An anticipation is BURNING in me. I feel He's getting ready to pour out in greater measures than we've yet seen. In fact, it's a PROMISE He's given me.

So glad I get to walk this road with someone like you.

Christin said...

FYI...I sent this to Mom. I thought it would encourage her as well. *wink*

Carl8ta said...

thanks for posting this - for putting it on 'paper'. I too have been pondering the same group of things that you posted...more on that later :)

Jolanthe said...

yeah - I can't wait to see what is coming either!!!

Kristy said...

What a great post Cheryl. Change can bring such new life, a bit scary at times because it looks different, but still so good. I loved reading about your thoughts on prophecy class. It is so great to be surrounded by people going after the same thing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

pyrotechny said...

Since I was deep into "birthin' babies" during the late 90's and early 00's I never really got to attend that class. But I saw its fruit! Be the burr girl!